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MapleStory (2006 GMS) 2-Hour Music Compilation

0 Views· 12/29/24
In Gaming

Ripped from GMS v0.22 official client

0:00 Title - Login

6:16 FloralLife - Henesys (Town)
8:34 GoPicnic - Maple Road: Southperry / Henesys (Henesys Market)
9:47 Nightmare - Perion (Town)
12:58 RestNPeace - Henesys (Fields)
15:53 SleepyWood - Sleepywood (Town)

18:39 AncientMove - Sleepywood (Ant Tunnel)
23:00 BadGuys - Kerning City (Town)
26:38 CavaBien - Henesys (Henesys Hunting Ground)
28:46 HighlandStar - Perion (Fields / Dungeon)
32:43 MoonlightShadow - Ellinia (Fields)

35:22 AboveTheTreetops - Lith Harbor (Town)
39:53 EvilEyes - Sleepywood (Deep Ant Tunnel / Cave of Evil Eyes)
45:20 JungleBook - Kerning City (Swamp)
48:57 MissingYou - Ellinia (Tree Dungeon)
51:24 WhenTheMorningComes - Ellinia (Town)

54:32 Beachway - Florina Beach (Town)
57:48 BlueSky - Kerning City (L Forest)
1:00:30 SnowyVillage - El Nath (Town)
1:03:05 Subway - Kerning City (Subway)

1:06:24 ArabPirate - During the Ride to Orbis / During the Ride to Ellinia (Crimson Balrog Fight)
1:11:08 PlayWithMe - Internet Cafe
1:13:52 Shinin'Harbor - Orbis (Town)
1:15:48 UponTheSky - During the Ride to Orbis / During the Ride to Ellinia
1:18:47 WarmRegard - El Nath (Fields)
1:21:35 WhiteChristmas - Happyville

1:24:39 AbandonedMine - El Nath (Mines)
1:27:37 DownToTheCave - Sleepywood (Ant Tunnel)
1:31:57 HellGate - El Nath (Lava Caves)
1:34:27 MineQuest - Zakum Party Quest
1:37:32 WolfWood - El Nath (Wolf Territory)

1:40:17 ComeWithMe - Orbis (Orbis Tower)
1:43:38 FantasticThinking - Ludibrium (Town)
1:46:06 FinalFight - Zakum Fight
1:47:34 FlyingInABlueDream - During the Ride to Ludibrium
1:50:24 WelcomeToTheHell - Zakum’s Altar

1:53:23 Fantasia - Ludibrium Party Quest
1:55:54 FunnyTimeMaker - Ludibrium (Eos Tower / Helios Tower)
1:57:53 HighEnough - Ludibrium (Outside Eos Tower)
2:01:30 WaltzForWork - Ludibrium (Toy Factory)
2:03:05 WhereverYouAre - Ludibrium (Clock Tower)

2:06:12 DarkShadow - Ludibrium Party Quest (Dark Room)
2:08:21 FairyTale - Ludibrium (Warped Path of Time)
2:10:51 FairyTalediffvers - Ludibrium (Warped Path of Time)
2:13:36 TheyMenacingYou - Alishar Fight
2:15:52 TimeAttack - Papulatus Fight / Monster Carnival

2:17:49 BizarreTales - Ludibrium (Warped Passage)
2:20:35 TheWayGrotesque - Ludibrium (Forgotten Passage)
2:23:57 Timeless - Ludibrium (Forgotten Path of Time)
2:25:54 TimelessB - Ludibrium (Forgotten Path of Time)

2:27:50 BlueWorld - Aqua Road (West Sea)

2:30:06 FunnyRabbit - Event
2:31:52 FunnyRabbitFaster - Event

2:33:28 Feeling - Mushroom Shrine (Town)

2:36:01 ShopBgm - Cash Shop

2:37:29 Elfwood
2:38:57 WhereTheBarlogFrom

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